PS - his dog saw me take the picture and barked, he did not.
PSS - every car that drove by hooted.
Oh and the very last thing on this picture, he is lying outside a community center that is filled to the roof with USAID workers, not one of them helped him out. What is the point of a community center when a member of the community is in trouble on your door step, and the most they did was step over him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was the most hard hitting post I hae seen in a while. The photo itself is startling, but your words were so punchy. I absolutely agree with you.
What those so called community workers did was, well didn't do was disgraceful. When I do what I call an hoNest post like this, you sometimes find people are relunctant to comment. I hope those workers see this and are ashamed of themselves. Well done for highlightling this.
Thanks for the comment, I do apologize that I went a little political on you guys and girls - but that makes me cross - A monthly portion of our rates and taxes goes to this place, I I just want to see my money go to good use.
I don't blame you one bit for getting cross about this situation, there's no excuse for someone there not helping this man & his dog. It makes me sooo sad to see people homeless and on the streets - I think about it all the time, but I live in a small town and don't see too many homeless individuals that often. But you're right, why pay taxes if the people in charge aren't going to help those in need!?!?!?!
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